Break and Enter Stats are Down Dramatically

The Police Services Division of the Solicitor General’s Ministry has recently released a crime trends report for the years 2000-2009.

The results show that significant reductions have been achieved in Saanich in break-in related offences. These include all break-ins to residences and buildings on private property but does not include commercial break-ins.


2000-2009 549 break-ins (average)

    2010 374 break-ins

    Reduction:    32%

    The Saanich Police approach to intelligence led, community based policing supported by integrated units targeting prolific offenders has helped reduce these offences. Since the creation of the Regional Crime Unit in 2007, the numbers of break-ins has reduced significantly on average year over year.

    Approximately 20% of homes in Saanich are involved in the Block Watch program which has proven results in reducing property offences. Saanich has 7700 homes and 449 blocks presently enrolled in the program.

    Statistics show that a person living on a Block Watch street is three times less likely to be broken into than a residence on another block. The program has also shown to increase citizen engagement both within the community and with their police service.

    If you are interested in participating in the Block Watch program, the next information session is April 19th.  Please check out the Block Watch link on the Saanich Police web page or contact the Block Watch line at 250-475-4365.

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