At some time between the hours of 9 and 10 pm on April 30, 2013, a 19 year old female was struck from behind by a slow moving vehicle in the lower parking lot of Tillicum Mall, near the area of the Silver City Theatre.
The victim fell to the ground but was uninjured. The driver of the vehicle made eye contact with the victim but failed to stop following the collision with the pedestrian.
The victim has not been able to provide a description of the vehicle, and can only describe the driver of the vehicle as an older male.
The victim went to a movie following this incident but later felt nauseus, promting a call to the Provincial Ambulance Service. The victim was transported to the Victoria General Hospital for examination.
Anyone who may have witnessed this incident, or anyone with information concerning this incident are asked to contact the investigator, Cst. Shannon Ogilvie at the Saanich Police Department at 250-475-4321.
File 13-8015
Sgt. Steve Eassie #158