
Recruiting Status 2012


Happy Holidays to all of you!  Thank you for your continued commitment to the recruiting process.  We have been extremely busy recently as we are hiring in 2013!  For those of you starting the process,  Staff Development will be in contact with you in the New Year.  We appreciate your patience during this busy time. 

I would like to personally wish you and your families a very happy holiday! Please remember to use good judgement over the holidays and don’t drink and drive.  So many precious lives are taken every year from drunk drivers.  No one plans to hurt or kill someone on their way home at the beginning of a work party or social function.  Let’s keep each other safe over the holidays and look after each other!

For those of you that are at the end of the process, thank you so much for what you bring and for your continued commitment.  Policing can be a very long and rewarding career; getting there takes years of discipline and dedication as many who have been recently hired will tell you.  All the best in 2013.

Happy Holidays!

Sgt. Tyra Reid  


OCTOBER 22, 2012

The next scheduled POPAT date is January 27, 2013.  There have been a couple of changes to the POPAT that were recently implemented by the JIBC.  The first being, the feet cannot cross each other at the push/pull machine.  You must shuffle and bring your feet together without crossing.  The second being, if a cone is inadvertantly knocked over by a participant running by, the participant must return and put it upright.  The third change, is at the vault.  The feet cannot hit the vault while jumping over; they must clear the vault.  

Saanich will not be hiring any new recruits for the remainder of 2012.  It is anticpated that hiring will occur in 2013.  Applications are still being processed and interviews are ongoing as the process can be lengthy.  

Please remember, if you are using a MacIntosh computer to complete your application, you must have Adobe Reader prior to filling it out as Staff Development will not be able to read your text without it. 

Thanks again to everyone who brought their best to the POPAT yesterday.  Congratulations on making it to the next step.  I will publish the next entrance exam date as soon as I have it. 

Until then,

Sgt. Tyra Reid 



Saanich Police has sent out invitations for the October 21st POPAT testing.  Invitations have not been extended for the entrance exam yet.  It is anticipated that an exam will be adminstered in late November.  The passing mark has been amended to 65%. 

Successful candidates will be identified for the November Assessment Center.  Staff Development Sergeants interviews are currently being conducted.  Thanks to all of you whom I have met recently for bringing your best and for your professionalism.  The recruit process can be lengthy and challenging and it is not lost on us. 

If you have submitted a cover letter and resume and haven’t heard back from us, we apologize as we are currently experiencing an increase.  Your patience is appreciated and we expect to have them all reviewed by November. 

I’m looking forward to meeting some of you this Sunday at the POPAT. 

Until then;

Sgt. Tyra Reid



Thank you to everyone who participated in the POPAT and Entrance Exam on August 26th.  Some great effort was put forth.  Some candidates have been contacted for interviews.  Please allow yourself 3 hours as the interview is lengthy. 

Two candidates have been identified to attend the Assessment Center this month.  The best advice for this stage of the recruit process is to be yourself.  Those who have asked others specifics about the Center prior to attending have returned disappointed as it hindered their success.  It is best to attend uninformed and well rested. 

We are working hard through an increase of applications and appreciate everyone’s effort and patience.

Sgt. Tyra Reid



Staff Development would like to wish everyone a very happy and safe summer!  

This past Sunday, June 24th, many candidates participated in the POPAT and the written entrance exam.  The feedback from several participants of the POPAT was that “it’s a lot tougher than it looks!”

Candidates are reminded that maintaining a high level of physical fitness is paramount and strongly encouraged by Staff Development.  An applicant can be invited to the POPAT and written exam at any point after submitting an application.  If you are not prepared for the testing, then you are not ready to submit your application.  In terms of the feedback for the entrance exam, “Not a lot of time!” were the parting comments of many.  Again this is a reminder to use your time wisely!  

Some questions were raised with respect to how long these scores last.  If passed the written exam mark remains valid indefinitely, whereas the POPAT expires after 12 months.  

I was personally impressed by the participants that waited after they finished their own POPAT and cheered others on.  This displayed great teamwork and I know made a difference to those that were participating.  It was great meeting all of you in person and I appreciated the effort you all put forth.

To those of you that passed the POPAT and exam, congratulations!  There were some impressive marks!

Saanich Police is in midst of a low hiring trend.  This means that many of you will not be contacted until the fall.  Please take advantage of this time to look for ways to increase your competitiveness, either through education, volunteer experience or even work experience.  

For those that have advanced to nearly the end of our recruit process, I appreciate your patience, your updates and most of all your loyalty to Saanich Police.  I look forward to seeing you again soon!  

Until then,

Sgt. Tyra Reid 


JUNE 2012

Hi Everyone! 

I would like to take this opportunity to thank our Administrative Assistant, Kim Friesen.  Kim is transferring to our Block Watch program on June 11th.   You will still see her when you enter our building sitting behind a desk, but she won’t be with us upstairs.  So a HUGE thanks to Kim for all her patience with us while we transitioned into Staff Development and for her positive attitude and professionalism.  She will be missed! 

Welcome Marlene!  Marlene has started with us and is completing her training as the new Administrative Assistant

Congratulations to Cst’s Ogilvie and Anastasiades!  They graduated from the Police Academy on May 18th and have returned to the Island to start their careers.  We are looking forward to having them back now that they have finished their training and are ready to embark on a long and rewarding career in policing.  Welcome back!~

Congratulations to Cst. Yeo and Cst. Te.  They have just completed their Block 2 training and are returning to the Justice Institute on Monday to complete their Block 3.  It sounded as though they had great experiences in their Block 2 and were exposed to many diverse calls.  Cst. Yeo stated “Block 2 can only be described as everything you think it will be and more!  I can’t believe the 13 weeks are over.”  I asked him what his biggest challenge was.  “The biggest challenge for me was that there are so many aspects to policing; every call is so different.   I loved every minute of it and can’t wait to graduate and get back out on the road!”  Well said Cst. Yeo!  We’re looking forward to having you and Cst. Te back as well.  See you on July 27th at your graduation ceremony.

Staff Development will be sending out the invitations by way of email for the POPAT and  entrance exam next week.  Most of you have already been invited informally but the instructions and details will be sent to you next week. 

Several people completed the Psych Testing portion of the process in May 2012.  The next step will be Inspector interviews which are anticipated to take place later this summer.  Marlene will contact you all with appointments for interviews. 

For the rest of you, thank you for all you bring to the process.  Here on the Island we are privileged with the quality candidates that continually present themselves to us.  It gives us great confidence in knowing that Saanich will continue to be represented by quality people that want to make a difference in their community

I wish you all a safe and happy summer and look forward to meeting those of you that are just starting the process. 

Tyra Reid

Staff Development

Recruiting Sergeant


May 2012

Hi Everyone! Spring is now in the air and I’m sure all of you are getting outdoors and enjoying the sunshine.  We recently tracked the traffic to our website and learned that the recruiting page is in the top three most visited sites! I’m excited, obviously! Thanks for being here!

If you are one of those people that fears the POPAT, who lies awake at night dreading the day you will be invited to participate – here’s something that you may want to consider:  Oak Bay Recreation Center offers classes to train for and practice running the POPAT.  The feedback I’ve received from applicants is positive. 

Check out 


We do recommend, however that applicants maintain a high level of fitness due to the demands that are placed on police officers on a daily basis.  Training beyond the POPAT itself will not only improve your results, but will have you better prepared for the demands of the JIBC Police Academy.

I have already contacted many of you and informally extended an invite to the POPAT and entrance exam on June 24th.  Formal invites will be extended in early June.  

Several applicants attended the Assessment Center in April, and two more were identified to attend in May. Congratulations to those that have advanced to that step of the process.  To those just starting, please remember that sometimes it can take up to two years from the beginning to the end of the process.  There are 15 steps and the competition is fierce.  Do you have what it takes?  If you do, stay focused and remain determined.   Those that persevere and stay committed to their hiring application have the best chance of success.  

Staff Development conducted multiple Sergeant interviews in April.  I would like to personally thank each of you that met with me and gave 100% of yourselves.   I was truly impressed.    

For those of you that I haven’t met, good luck in the process.  I look forward to meeting you!

Until then,

Sgt. Tyra Reid


April 2012

Happy Spring to all of you.  I would like to acknowledge all of the Saanich Police Reserves that attended the POPAT testing on March 11 to cheer on their classmates who were participating.  What great support!

Our next testing is scheduled for June 24th.  Both the entrance exam and POPAT will take place on this date.  Successful applicants will be invited via email. 

Staff Development has now had an opportunity to review all resumes and cover letters that have been submitted.  Packages have been sent out and we are looking forward to reviewing them upon completion.

Staff Development in conjunction with Community Liaison attended a Career Fair on March 29 at the Pacific Institute of Sports Excellence.  It was great to meet all of you.  A common question posed was, “Is it necessary for a person’s education to be focused on Criminal Justice?”  The answer is no.  Saanich Police values all types of education.  

Two candidates are being identified to attend the Assessment Center that is scheduled for April 23rd.  Successful applicants will be contacted via email. 

We are anticipating hiring in early 2013. 

Good luck to everyone who is currently in our process and to those who are just starting.  We look forward to meeting you!


March 2012

Staff Development has selected a number of applicants to attend the March 11, 2012 POPAT. The entrance exam date has yet to be determined. COMING SOON – A video of the POPAT is going to posted on our website shortly. This will hopefully alleviate some of the concerns about this test and assist applicants with preparing for the POPAT. Please remember that you potentially could be invited to the POPAT at any time. Maintaining a high level of physical fitness is recommended.

Two applicants attended the March 5, 2012 Assessment Center. It is anticipated that two candidates will be identified for the next Assessment Center on April 23, 2012. The successful candidates will be contacted directly by the Staff Development assistant, Kim Friesen.

Applicants are reminded that our preferred method of correspondence is electronic with the exception of high school transcripts. These certified, original documents must be forwarded in an envelope that has been sealed by either the attended high school or Ministry of Education.

If you are just entering the process, please remember that each applicant is assessed based on their competiveness. This is a combination of education, work, and life experience. Several applicants are also committing time to volunteer experience.

Once we are in receipt of your cover letter and resume you will be contacted via email and notified whether you will be advancing through the recruit process. Best of luck to each of you!

Two recruits are just completing their Block 2 training and are returning to the Police Academy to finish their Block 3 training. Two more recruits are just entering their block 2 training after spending 13 weeks at the Police Academy. We are proud of their achievements and commitment they have demonstrated.  Congratulations to all of you and welcome to Saanich Police!


February 2012

Hello everyone!  My name is Sgt. Tyra Reid and I am the new recruiting sergeant of the Staff Development Division.  I would like to personally thank each of you for your patience and understanding during this transition, as well as for your commitment to Saanich Police.

I have had an opportunity to speak now to many of you personally, but would still like to acknowledge those of you, whom I haven’t met that continue to contact and update Kim Friesen, our administrative assistant.  I appreciate all of these efforts and recommend that all of you currently in the application process ensure that you continue to do this.   

Several applicants were invited to attend the POPAT on January 29, 2012; the written entrance exam was postponed and rescheduled for March 11, 2012.   We have scheduled another POPAT for the March 11, 2012 date as well.  Please note candidates will be identified and invitations sent out at the end of February 2012 for participation in these exams.

Two applicants were identified for the Assessment Center on January 30, 2012 and two for February 6, 2012. 

Due to current hiring trends we do not anticipate hiring any new recruits for the March 2012 or April 2012 Academy classes.  We do; however, anticipate hiring for the fall classes.   As such, we strongly encourage applicants to take advantage of this time by seeking out opportunities to enhance themselves through courses, volunteer experience, or employment related to the policing profession.  As I’m sure each of you you are aware, the Staff Development Division continues to look for demonstrated personal and professional development in the individuals we hire.   As our hiring practice is lengthy, involving a 15 step process, it is recommended that applicants continuously seek opportunities to strengthen their competitiveness during any delay in the process. 

I wish you all the best of luck and look forward to meeting you in person.

Sgt. Tyra Reid


January 2012

Happy new year!  The Saanich Police staff development section is currently experiencinug a transition of personnel as a result of the annual internal transfers.   It is important to us that the communication lines with all applicants remains strong through this transition – therefore, please be advised that your primary first contact will still be the [email protected] address.  Ms. Kim Friesen will continue her role as the administrative assistant in the division and will be monitoring this electronic mailbox.   The sergeant in charge of the recruiting section will be Sgt. Tyra Reid.   Sgt. Reid has been meeting with me on several occasions leading up to her start date of January 9th for purposes of information sharing/transfer on the process and current applicants.

A written exam and POPAT date has been confirmed for Sunday, January 29th.  Applicants will be identified and will be contacted via email with the invitation instructions within the next two weeks.  

Thank you for your continued interest and commitment to the Saanich Police selection process.

Best regards,

Sgt. Dean Duthie


JIBC Graduation Day for Csts. Hodgkinson and Wong

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