Strange Vehicle Collision Case Concluded

On September 24, 2015, at approximately 1:22 a.m., a vehicle struck a residence in the 800 block of Nigel Street. Investigation revealed that the vehicle had left the roadway surface at the intersection of Ravine Way and Vernon Avenue, narrowly missed two utility boxes, and launched off the side of a steep embankment.

The vehicle struck the residence with enough force to completely destroy a deck attached to the side of the home. As a result of debris falling, a vehicle parked nearby was also damaged to the point where it could not be repaired.

At the time of the event, the driver could not be located, and was observed by at least one witness to flee the scene on foot. Attempts to locate and identify that person throughout the morning hours were not successful, despite the use of numerous police resources including a K9 unit from VICPD that assisted in the search.

Later that same morning, Saanich Police were contacted by the owner of the vehicle reporting that his vehicle had been stolen. Investigators met with the owner to continue with the investigation, but were not able to confirm that the vehicle had in fact been stolen.

“I can advise that the owner of the vehicle has now come forward and admitted that they were the driver of the vehicle at the time of the incident” Sgt. Steve Eassie said. “The driver has stated that they fell asleep at the wheel and panicked when they found themselves in the damaged vehicle, pinned between the residence and a retaining wall.”

“We appreciate that the driver has now come forward with this information, but wish that they would have done so at the time of the incident” Sgt. Eassie said.

The driver, a 37 year old Central Saanich resident, was issued a violation ticket for failing to remain at the scene of an accident. The matter is still under review by ICBC.

File 2015-21196 / 2015-21207

Sgt. Steve Eassie #158

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