Retrieved Current Recruiting Status article

June 13, 2016

Just a quick note to let everyone know that we will be administering the written exam next on June 26th at 1pm. If you have a valid POPAT time and would like to write the exam, please get in touch with Kelsey Wilson at [email protected]. We still have a few spots remaining but it is filling up fast.

Our 4 new recruits are just starting Week # 6 at the JIBC. They are all enjoying their training and despite having a heavy workload for the first several weeks, they are all performing extremely well and continue to set the bar high for those that will follow them. 

Our newest exempt officer was also sworn in by the Chief today. Cst. Lori Timpson has joined our SPD family after 14 amazing years in the Chatham-Kent Police Service. Lori brings with her a great deal of experience in Major Crime, Financial Crime, and Domestic Violence Investigations and she can’t wait to hit the road in patrol on her new platoon. 

The remainder of 2016 is looking very busy for us in recruiting as we continue to advance a number of applicants and experienced members through the hiring process. I understand that the process can be slow at times due to the high number of applicants and encourage you all to remain patient and dedicated to achieving your goal. Till next time…Paul

The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential… these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence. Confucius

February 25, 2016

Hi everyone,

My name is Sgt. Paul Smith and I am the new Recruiting and Career Development Sergeant in the Staff Development Division.  I would like to personally thank each of you for your patience and understanding during this transition, as well as for your commitment and perservance in pursuing a career with this great organization.

I have now had the pleasure of speaking with a number of you personally, but would still like to acknowledge those of you whom I haven’t met that continue to contact and update Kelsey Wilson, our Administrative Assistant.  I appreciate all of these efforts and recommend that all of you currently in the application process ensure that you continue to do this. 

The next POPAT and written entrance exam date is set for Sunday March 20th. Please contact PISE directly should you wish to secure a spot at the POPAT and if you have already passed the POPAT and would like to write our entrance exam, please contact Kelsey Wilson at [email protected] 

We are anticipating some significant hiring needs in the next couple of years and I encourage you to remain patient and dedicated to the recruiting process. Recruiting has become a very competitive process and volunteer work, related work experience and education are all key factors in determining whether you are successful.

I wish you all the best of luck in achieving your goal to become a member of the Saanich Police Department!

The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential… these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence. Confucius

Sergeant Paul Smith


December 23, 2015

Hi everyone,

This is my last post as I am leaving this position after 4 years and returning to the patrol divison where I get to work with some amazing people.  All roots lead back to patrol and with good reason as we share what new skills we’ve acquired and let others rotate into positions to gain experience. 

I want to thank all of you for sharing your experiences with me, giving 100% to the recruiting process and remaining loyal to the Saanich Police.  For those of you still in the process, hoping to one day join us, don’t be discouraged.  It takes many people literally years to acquire the skillset and be competitive

To those that have joined us (which is just about 30 since 2012,  thanks for choosing us.  I am so excited that I will very shortly be working with some of you.  I sincerely hope you enjoy this career as much as you’d hoped.  From the smiles I see every day, it would appear so!

The new person taking my place is Sgt. Paul Smith.  He comes with a lot of experience and is looking forward to his new role.  He can be emailed at [email protected] 

Have a wonderful holiday season and all the best in 2016.

Sgt. Tyra Reid

November 2015

Hi everyone,

We had a great turnout on the weekend at the POPAT.  Some firsts for some candidates that finally realized their goals by passing this difficult test.  Congratulations to them!  Some candidates didn’t show up in the afternoon for the entrance exam.  This is disappointing to us as we have people waitlisted.  We would ask that you provide us 3 days notice so that the positions can be filled if you’re unable to make it.  Of course, illness cannot be predicted and we certainly appreciate with flu and cold season it can’t be helped sometimes. 

Of note, the next POPAT date is January 24th at PISE and registrations are now being accepted.  The time for the POPAT has been changed for January and will now begin at 3:00 pm upstairs.  Further details can be obtained through PISE.  Due to this change, the entrance exam will commence at 10:00 am. If candidates have passed the POPAT already, and haven’t taken the exam, they can now register through [email protected] and request a seat. POPAT must be passed prior to writing the exam. See details under “Recruiting Process”. 


August 2015

Just a quick update about recruiting.  We are continuing to process applictations for 2016.  We anticipate hiring more recruits and experienced officers as well.  If you want to start the process please contact PISE to secure a seat to run the POPAT.  Once passed, feel free to contact us with a resume and cover letter and we will invite you to write the entrance exam should you meet our basic qualifications. 

I was speaking with a recruit today who is in his Block 2 training and he stated that the learning curve is steep but the job is rewarding and he is glad he is embarking on this career and excited about the future.

My response to him was the following “We have the opportunity to be impactful in small ways that amount to big things!”


June 30, 2015

Hi everyone, 

It’s that time of the year again where I would like to remind everyone to enjoy their summer beach time and BBQs but please remember to be responsible and organize a ride home if you are drinking. 

In terms of what has been happening here for us….our 4 recruits are finishing their Block 1 training in July and are returning to us for their practical training for several months.  They are having a great time at the JIBC but very much looking forward to returning to Saanich and applying all that they have learned.

We had Cst. Beebe and Cst. Sampson graduate the JIBC in May.  They have been keeping our streets safe since May and doing great work in the community

We had POPAT and entrance exam testing on Sunday (yesterday).  There was 30 people that challenged themselves and ran the POPAT.  From speaking with them, I understand the dates are booking up quickly so please ensure you register for September soon.  (September 27th)  We will also be administering a written exam on the same date.  (NOW FULL – Next one November 22nd)  Once you have passed the POPAT please send us a resume and cover letter to [email protected]  and request your intention to write the entrance exam.

We are planning on hiring recruits for September and are always interested in experienced police officer applicants as well. 

If you would like to join us in a volunteer capacity please see our website for our upcoming Reserve Constable class.  It’s a great program and a wonderful opportunity to gain exposure to the Saanich Police and do great work in the community at the same time. 

To those of you whom I’ve met recently, thank you for bringing your passion; it was a pleasure meeting you!

Have a great summer everyone and please keep yourselves safe and make good decisions!  I will be at the Parade this Sunday so perhaps I will see some of you there!

Sgt. Tyra Reid

March 5, 2015

Hi All,

We have identified 4 new candidates that will be attending the Justice Institute for the Spring class.  We are actively looking for experienced police officers that may be interested in joining us.  Officers interested should submit a cover letter and resume to [email protected] expressing interest.

Popat testing is March 22nd.  If interested please register through PISE.  We are having an entrance exam also on March 22nd at 1:00 pm here at Saanich Police in the Kirby Room.  Interested parties can register with a cover letter and resume to Marlene Fulton at [email protected] This test is for people that have not taken the test previously as spots are limited.

We are anticipating hiring for the fall of 2015.  2016/17 is also looking promising for hiring as well.  We are in the process of updating our website.  This should be completed soon! 

Cst’s Beebe and Sampson are finishing their Block 2 portion of their training and returning to the JIBC on March 23rd.  They will graduate on May 15th and officially start their careers immediately afterwards!

If you think you have what it takes to join our team, stay committed and work hard towards your goal.  You too could find yourself working for Saanich Police amongst some of the finest officers in Canada!

January 19, 2015

Hi everyone,

I hope everyone had a happy and safe holiday season.  Staff Development is working diligently at identifying candidates for the Spring and Fall academy classes.  Changes will be coming regarding applying so please check the website in the coming weeks.

The next entrance exam date is scheduled for January 25th from 1-3 here at Saanich Police in the Kirby Room. If you wish to attend please email Ms. Marlene Fulton at mfulton@saanichpolice expressing your interest to write the exam


 December 2, 2014

Hi everyone,

We have been extremely busy here in the recruiting section anticipating increased hires in 2015/16.  If you are interested in a career with us please submit your cover letter and resume to [email protected]

Our next testing date will be January 25th.  You can register for the physical exam (POPAT) through PISE (Pacific Institute of Sports Excellence) directly.  If you plan on taking the Saanich Police entrance exam please register via email to Marlene Fulton at [email protected].  Please include your cover letter and resume with your request. 

We have a few noteworthy dates approaching; Cst’s deBoer and Reichert are graduating from the Police Academy on December 19th.  It is an exciting day not only for them and their families but for all of us at Saanich Police and we couldn’t be more proud of all their efforts at the Justice Institute.  On the same day, Cst’s Sampson and Beebe finish their Block 1 and come back to Saanich Police for 13 weeks for their practical component of their training where they will be paired with a training officer.   

To those of you that I have recently met, I appreciate your commitment to the process and all of your efforts to make yourselves competitive applicants.  It is not lost on us the dedication it takes to join our police department.  Our recent hires will attest that once you join us you become part of our family. You will not only benefit greatly from the support of your co-workers but also from the great community of Saanich.  It is a partnership like none other! If your values align with ours than you likely have picked the right career. 

“If you can dream it, then you can achieve it. You will get all you want in life if you help enough
other people get what they want.” (Zig Zigglar)

As we approach the holiday season I would like to remind everyone to make good decisions when attending events and plan a ride home.  No party is worth jeopardizing your life or someone elses by drinking and driving.

Sgt. Reid


November 17, 2014

Hi everyone,

We welcomed Cst. Steve McNamara into Saanich Police today.  Steve came to us with 25 years of previous RCMP service.  It was fantastic to have Steve join our team and bring with him a wealth of experience. Steve’s positive attitude and sincerity toward community policing made him an obvious choice.  We look forward to seeing Steve wearing a Saanich Police uniform soon!


October 20, 2014

Hi Everyone,

We are having an entrance exam on November 16th, 2014 at 1:00 pm at the Saanich Police Department in the Kirby Room.  Interested candidates please email [email protected] expressing your interest.  If you have not submitted a cover letter and resume please submit it to Ms. Fulton at the same time.

If you are interested in running the POPAT on the same day please contact PISE to register.  There may still be some room.

We have been busy processing candidates through the various stages in the recruitment process due to anticipated vacancies in 2015-16.   

July 28, 2014

Hi Everyone,

We’ve been extremely busy here at Saanich Police.  We have filled two seats at the Justice Institute for the September class and are still looking for qualified experienced police officers who have an interest in transferring to Saanich Police.  2015 projections are positive and we will be actively recruiting new police officers for the Spring of 2015. 

Our next POPAT date is scheduled for September 7th.  Candidates can contact PISE to register.  Seats are filling up quickly so if you are committed to taking this test in September, reserve your seat! We will likely have an entrance exam the same day in the afternoon.  Feel free to submit a cover letter and resume stating your interest in writing the exam after August 11th.  (Yes we do occasionally take holidays!)

To all of you whom I have met, it’s been a pleasure and as always I am impressed with the commitment and dedication our candidates are bringing to the table.  Policing is a rewarding and exciting career; one that only the finest embark on. 

To our two latest hires; congratulations and welcome to SPD!  We will release their names in September and I will post photos of our two newest recruits.

On another note, Cst’s Gadsby, deBoer and Reichert are graduating block 1 this Friday and return to us for their block 2 training starting August 5th.  This is the practical component of their training program and they will be with us for 14 weeks.  It will be exciting to see them around the building wearing Saanich Police uniforms, ready to hit the streets of Saanich and work with our wonderful community!  Congratulations on your fine efforts, we are certainly proud of your achievements thus far!

To the rest of you just starting the process, stay focused and clear with your intentions.  Your actions now become highly relevant once you’ve decided on this career.  Make good decisions, work hard, be disciplined and maybe one day you too will join us! 

Have a great summer everyone and please don’t drink and drive~!  Stay safe!

Sgt. Tyra Reid


June 4, 2014

Congratulations Cst’s Defrane and Pellew! Our two recruits graduated on May 9, 2014 with their recruit class # 142.

A couple of class awards were picked up by Cst. Pellew for firearms and fitness. Cst. Pellew successfully completed the POPAT upon returning to block 3 with a time of 2:24!! Cst. Defrane also had an exceptional time of 2:40. Both worked very hard at keeping their physical fitness at a high standard. This is critical in order to avoid injury during the training.  

Both Constable Defrane and Pellew are back with us and out on the road patrolling the streets of Saanich, utilizing all the valuable training they received at the JIBC.   I’m including a photo of Inspector Parker, Cst. Defrane, Chief Constable Downie, Cst. Pellew and me (Sgt. Reid).   Yes, we have pretty big smiles on our faces as it was an exciting day.

Our three newest recruits; Cst’s Gadsby, deBoer and Reichert are busy in their block 1 training. Of note, one of the three candidates spent 44 months in the recruitment process, working on his competency development. He was extremely committed to the process and never gave up. I bring this to everyone’s attention as I know the recruiting process can be a long one.   He has assured me that his dream of becoming a police officer was well worth the wait and the commitment. I will include a photo of the three of them as well.

Our forecast for hiring is positive. We are continuing to process applications and hire in 2014 and 2015. If you are interested in a career in policing please review the qualifications and submit a cover letter and resume to [email protected]

I hope everyone has a great summer!

Sgt. Tyra Reid


May 20, 2014

Hi everyone,

We are administering the entrance exam on June 8th at 1:00 pm here at Saanich Police.  If you are interested in writing it and this is your first time, please email me at [email protected] to request a seat.

PISE is also running the POPAT at 0930 on June 8th.  Please check their website to register.  There are limited spots available so please make sure you register before it is full. 

Photos are coming of our recent graduates!  Stay tuned. 

Sgt. Tyra Reid


April 11, 2014

Hi everyone,

Thanks to everyone who participated in the popat and entrance exam on March 23rd.  It was a great effort by all.  The next popat date has been scheduled for June 8th.  Candidates looking to take the POPAT test should contact PISE (250-220-2510) and provide registration number 2251.  Registration closes June 1st at 4:00 pm. 

Saanich Police will also be administering the entrance exam on June 8th.  More details to follow soon about how to register for this exam.


 March 19, 2014

Popat and written exam are this Sunday, March 23, 2014.  Please ensure you attend POPAT with all of your documents or you will be unable to continue with the testing.  If you are coming to the written entrance exam at 1:00 pm here at Saanich Police, please dress comfortably and bring water if you’ve run the POPAT in the morning.  The exam is 2 hours in length.  It is comprised of memory related questions, math questions, grammer, and 5 essay questions.  HINT: Use your time wisely! 

We are anticipating “few” vacancies this year however it is important to submit your cover letter and resume as it can take many months to advance in the recruiting process.  You may sign up for POPAT and the entrance exam at any time and we will post the next testing dates in April. 

Our two latest recruits returned for their Block 3 training at the JIBC on Monday. Of note, both Cst’s Pellew and Defrance received very good scores on their POPATS (2:24 and 2:40).  This requires on going training and commitment to a fitness program.  Fitness should be an integral part of a candidates routine; not something that is started for the purpose of passing the POPAT. 

Sergeant level interviews will be continuing in April and May to identify two candidates to advance to the Assessment Center. 

For those of you in our process, thanks for all that you bring each and every day.  I appreciate your dedication and loyalty to Saanich Police. 

“How you see your future is much more important than what happened in your past!” – Zig Ziglar


FEBRUARY 13, 2014

Hi All,

Thank you to all that recently applied to our Telecoms position.  We will be proceeding soon with the competition

There have been some inquiries with respect to when our next entrance exam will be.  It will be administered on March 23, 2014 at 1:00 pm at the Saanich Police Department.  Interested parties should have already submitted their cover letter and resumes to [email protected].  Please email [email protected] to secure a seat on March 23rd for the exam

Thanks and good luck!!



Quick update……Entrance exam is not going ahead on January 26th as planned.  The next testing date will be March 23rd.  Please send us an email if you would like to write it.  You must already have submitted us an application and lifestyle questionnaire in order to qualify.  Thanks!


JANUARY 16th, 2014

We are posting a potential exciting opportunity for our Saanich Police applicants.   We are searching for new members to supplement our Relief Telecommunications Operator’s team. 

The Telecommunications Centre operates twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.  The centre is a critical component of the police department, responsible for fielding questions and complaints, and deploying police resources to emergency (911) and non-emergency calls for service.  The centre is responsible for answering 911 emergency calls for service for police, fire, and ambulance within Saanich and Oak Bay. 

Telecommunications centre personnel must be extremely well trained, highly competent, and capable of handling a stressful work environment and shift work.  Candidates that are successful in the application process, which includes testing and a background check, will participate in a week long “Basic Telecommunications Operator’s Course” held at the Saanich Police Department.  The starting wage is $24.69 plus 11% in lieu of benefits.  This is a relief position only, meaning, the successful candidates will be responsible for providing relief during staff holidays, sick time, and supplement staffing levels on weekends and evenings on a regular basis. 

If you think you could benefit from some added exposure to policing this is a great opportunity for you, as was for one of our officers who started with Saanich Police as a relief telecommunicartions operator:
“Looking toward policing as a career choice, I was trying to find work that would complement that decision. I was successfully selected for a position with the 911 communications section at Saanich. Little did I know how essential my role in communications would be to both officers on the street and the public who called in. It was a very rewarding position and one that takes commitment and teamwork to succeed.” Cst Jon Cawsey – 10 year member.

We will be accepting packages until February 8, 2014. 

***UPDATE*** The deadline for applications has now passed, and therefore will no longer be accepting new applicants. Thank you to those who have applied. Those applicants moving on to the next step of the hiring process will be contacted in the near future.



We are changing the process everyone!  If you wish to be competitive in the recruiting process please consider taking the Police Officers Physical Abilities Test (POPAT) prior to applying.  You no longer require an invitation from us!  Please contact PISE at 250-220-2510 directly to register (program # 1966).  The next testing date is March 23rd.  You must register prior to March 16th. 

We will be hiring in 2014.  We will be posting our next entrance exam testing date soon. 

Thanks for considering the Saanich Police!

Sgt. Tyra Reid


DECEMBER 30, 2013

We hope everyone had a happy holiday season!  We are switching things up in the new year… PISE (Pacific Institute of Sports Excellence) will be organizing our POPATS.  This means that candidates will no longer require a formal invite from us.  PISE can be contacted directly by candidates to arrange testing.  The next testing date is January 10th.  PISE is located at 4371 Interurban Road in Saanich.  250-220-2510.  Feel free to register with PISE at  We will still be there on testing dates and look forward to meeting you. 

We wish everyone a very healthy and happy 2014!


DECEMBER 16, 2013

Congratulations to Cst’s Blackett, Akbar and Kreczmer!  They graduated from their recruit training on Friday and have returned to us to start their career in policing. 

Cst’s Defrane and Pellew started their Block 2, practical component of their training today.  They will spend the next 13 weeks on the road, under the watchful supervision of their field trainers.  They will graduate from their recruit training in May 2014. 

I would like to wish you all a very happy and safe holiday season.  For those of you who are just starting the recruitment process, I hope to meet with you in 2014!






It was an exciting day for us here at Saanich Police as we welcomed our two newest members into our Organization.  Cst. Damian Pellew and Cst. Adam Defrane are off to the Justice Institute for Block 1 training. 

We have heard they are placing at the top of Class 142 in their physical fitness; having top marks on the POPAT and BEEP test!!  They both agree they are happy they prepared themselves for the physical and mental demands of this extensive training program. 

We will keep in touch with them for further updates.  Yes that it is me with them, standing proudly beside them!

Sgt. Tyra Reid





JUNE 24th

It was great to see so many new faces yesterday at the POPAT and entrance exam. I appreciated the enthusiasm, sincerely enjoyed meeting all of you and acknowledge the extreme effort that was put forth. A lot of people “dug deep” to get through the POPAT. The marks for the exams are in and I’ve emailed everyone their scores.

We are continuing to process applicants as our hiring projections remain positive for the remainder of 2013 and 2014. Applicants are encouraged to maintain a high standard of physical fitness as once an application is received a POPAT can be scheduled on short notice.

Cst’s Blackett, Kreczmer, and Akbar are over half way finished their Block 1 training at the Justice Institute. They are excited about their return on July 20th for Block 2 where they can apply what they’ve learned during the last 14 weeks and put their skills to use. They all agree they chose the right career and encourage others to consider such a high level of public service. They truly believe it was what they were destined to do and haven’t been disappointed.

Remember…..the only limitations we have are the ones we set ourselves. Have courage, do more, be more and come join us. Others get there so why not you?

Perseverance, secret of all triumphs. -Victor Hugo

If you think policing is right for you please submit your cover letter and resume to [email protected].

P.S. Protect yourselves and your friends this summer, don’t drink and drive, life is precious, protect it.


JUNE 2013

The Saanich Police Department will be running a new Reserve Recruit Class beginning in Nov 2013. If you know of any friends, family or person(s) interested in the Reserve Program, please advise them to visit the Saanich Police web site, look under “Recruiting” and then “Reserve Constable”.


MAY 2013

Welcome to our three new recruits!   Cst’s Kreczmer, Blackett, and Akbar joined us on April 16th.  They are currently in their Block 1 Recruit Training and expecting to return for their Block 2 in July.  They tell me that they are enjoying their training at the Justice Institute and are glad that they prepared themselves both physically and mentally for the training.  We are excited that they chose Saanich Police and wish them continued success at the Justice Institute.  Of interest, all three had been in the recruiting process for several years.  I mention this so that those of you who are just starting aren’t discouraged by the length of time it takes.  Policing is a rewarding career that can take many years to obtain employment.  Things to consider are;  education, employment and volunteer work.  Seeking opportunities to contribute within your community is a great way to demonstrate your commitment to law enforcement.  We are deeply committed to serving our community so it may be something you want to consider gaining experience in.  Volunteer work can be very rewarding.  The Saanich Police Reserve program is another great opportunity for exposure to policing.  We are anticpating a Reserve class this fall. Due to the heavy report writing demands that police officers face, it is recommended that applicants take post-secondary education, focusing their attention on writing skills.  This is a critical aspect of police work and should not be underestimated. 

Our hiring projections for the next 24 months are positive.  If you feel you have the necessary skill set for policing please send us your cover letter and resume to [email protected] 

For those of you that have already submitted applications and are waiting to hear from us, we anticipate sending out  invitations to the successful applicants to our next POPAT and entrance exam for June 23rd. 

And remember, discipline comes from deciding what you what now versus what you want the most.  Good luck and we look forward to meeting you in the future! 

Sgt. Tyra Reid


MARCH 2013

Happy Spring everyone!  Yes we are hiring and will continue to hire!  We have sent several people to the Assessment Centre and are running a POPAT and entrance exam this Sunday, March 17th.  Thanks to all of you who have confirmed with Marlene. 

Exciting news…… we have identiified and hired three new recruits that are starting employment with us on April 16th, 2013.  They leave for the Justice Institute on April 22nd.  All three have previous Reserve experience.  They have been in the application process for many years and have persevered throughout the process; increasing their competitive standing along the way.  I am excited that they will be joining our team in the very near future!  Congratulations for all three!!  Welcome to the Saanich Police!

As for the rest of you who also want to join our team,  I am looking forward to meeting you.  Please send your resume and cover letter to [email protected]   Please don’t be discouraged if it takes some time to advance throughout the different stages.  This is typical as there are 15 steps.  I will ask our newest members to share some helpful tips and post them once they get started. 

To those that have confirmed they are attending this Sunday for testing, give it all you have and put your best effort into it! See you Sunday!

Sgt. Tyra Reid


2012 Recruiting Status

2011 Recruiting Status

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