Update on Sexual Assault occuring August 18th, 2018 in the 3600 block ofUpdate on Sexual Assault occuring August 18th, 2018 in the 3600 block ofHighway 17:
It was previously suggested in social media that the sexual assault had occurredIt was previously suggested in social media that the sexual assault had occurredin the Regina Park homeless encampment, or was commited by a resident of theRegina Park encampment.
Saanich Police Detectives continued to investigate this file, and arrested a maleSaanich Police Detectives continued to investigate this file, and arrested a malesuspect on August 22nd. The suspect was not known to be a resident of theRegina Park Encampment, and it has been proven that the assault did not occurthere.
The suspect was held in custody to attend court, and was subsequentlyThe suspect was held in custody to attend court, and was subsequentlyremanded to await trial. The investigation utilized uniformed and plain-clothesofficers, who quickly located the suspect and took him into custody safely oncehe was identified.
Acting Detective Sergeant Roberts