Suspect Caught After Entering Unlocked Vehicles 21-4318

Date: March 1, 2020

File: 21-4318

On Thursday, February 25th, 2021 shortly after midnight, a witness reported seeing a suspicious person trying door handles of vehicles parked in the 3200 block of Glasgow Avenue. Officers attended and confirmed that several vehicles had been entered and rummaged through.

The witness provided a very detailed description of the suspect which helped officers quickly locate the person nearby believed to be responsible. Once arrested, officers located items stolen from one of the vehicles in the suspect’s possession.

“Thefts from vehicles continue to be an almost daily occurrence in Saanich with most of them occurring overnight. The vehicles targeted are usually those that are unlocked but there have been some cases where thieves have broken windows to steal items that were in plain sight. The witness, in this instance, did an outstanding job in providing key descriptors of the suspect that helped officers quickly make an arrest. To help prevent thefts from vehicles, we would like to remind owners to lock their vehicle doors and keep all items out of sight.”

Since January 1, 2021, we have received 71 reports of thefts from vehicles in Saanich.

Cst. Markus Anastasiades #256

Public Information and Communications Officer

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