Man Caught by Integrated Canine Service After Attempting to Break into a Residence 22-00530

Date: January 10, 2022

File: 22-00530

A man has been arrested after committing an indecent act and attempting to break into a residence early Sunday morning.

On January 9, 2022, just after 12:30 a.m., the victim was inside their home when they noticed a man looking in through a sliding glass door. He then removed his pants and began committing an indecent act. The man then walked toward the door to grab the handle to enter but the victim was able to quickly run up and lock it from inside. He then ran off through the backyard.

Officers attended along with the Integrated Canine Section who were able to locate the man in a park in the 4300 block of Tyndall Avenue. He was arrested without incident and was held in custody to appear before court that same morning.

Sherwin Batley, 41, is being charged with the criminal offences of Break and Enter and Indecent Act. He has a lengthy criminal history with many matters still before the courts.

This was a terrifying event for the victim, who had never seen this man prior to this encounter. The quick actions of the victim prevented this from escalating into a potentially much more serious incident.

Cst. Markus Anastasiades

Public Information and Communications Officer

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