Date: January 24, 2022
File: 22-01496
On January 23, 2022, just after 4:20 p.m. officers responded to a report that a vehicle had crashed into a utility pole in the 1000 block of Burnside Rd West. Upon arrival, officers saw that the driver was trapped inside, as the utility pole had been sheared at the base and the active wires above created an extremely hazardous situation. Remarkably, the driver did not appear to be seriously injured.
It took nearly two hours before firefighters with the Saanich Fire Department were able to safely remove the driver, as the dangers of the active power lines and the compromised utility pole presented significant safety risks.
The driver subsequently failed a roadside breath test and was served a 90-day driving prohibition and accompanying vehicle impoundment.
“In looking at the photos from the scene it is quite obvious to see that the driver was lucky to walk away without serious injuries. Not only did the pole land on the windshield of the truck, but several of the lines also attached to the pole were energized with thousands of volts of electricity. A clear message on the inherent dangers and risks of operating a motor vehicle while impaired.”

Cst. Markus Anastasiades
Public Information and Communications Officer