The driver of an RV drove off an embankment this morning but was saved from falling all the way down when it struck a large tree.
On Friday December 9, 2022 just after 10:30 am officers responded to a report that an RV had driven off a cliff in the 1400 block of Charlton Road. The driver was believed to have suffered only minor injuries but was suspected of being impaired.
Officers attended and located the driver near the vehicle. He subsequently failed a roadside breath test and was issued a 90-day immediate driving prohibition. The RV, which required a careful retrieval by a local towing company, was impounded for 30 days.
The driver was fortunate that a large tree stopped the RV from falling further down the cliff, which would have likely resulted in more serious injuries.
While impaired driving is completely preventable, police continue to see motorists driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs at all times during the day.
Impaired driving road checks are happening all month long in an effort to intercept those driving while impaired, with the goal of preventing serious collisions and injuries on our roads.
Please plan a safe ride home this holiday season and never decide to drive while impaired.
File 22-23332

Cst. Markus Anastasiades
Public Information & Communications Officer