Driver Charged with Dangerous Driving

Saanich Police have arrested the driver of a car that was seen speeding and driving dangerously on the Pat Bay Highway.

A video posted to social media on June 9, 2024, showed a green Mercedes reaching speeds of 219km/h while weaving in and out of traffic on the Pat Bay Highway and passing other motorists on the shoulder.

The owner of the car, who was not the driver at the time the video was taken, has come forward and is cooperating with our investigation.

The driver, a 24-years-old Saanich man, has been charged with the following:

  • Dangerous operation of a motor vehicle
  • Driving without a valid license
  • Driving while using an electronic device

He is scheduled to appear in court in July.

A quote from Chief Constable Duthie:

The driver’s actions were dangerous and reckless. Lives of other motorists and road users were put at a heightened and unnecessary level of risk. Behaviour like this will not be tolerated on our roads.

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