Prohibited Driver Caught

On September 5, 2024, a man was arrested as he attempted to begin his workday as a driver for a local delivery company. The driver, a 40-year-old Victoria man, is currently prohibited from driving for 90 days after he received an Administrative Driving Prohibition for his involvement in a recent impaired driving incident.

The driver was released from custody with a future court date and has now had two vehicles impounded in a short period of time.

The delivery company was allowed to retrieve their customers packages before the delivery van was impounded for 7-days.

“This arrest sends a strong message to those on our roads,” said Staff Sgt. Doug Cripps, head of the Traffic Safety Unit at Saanich Police. “Driving is a privilege. If you are caught driving impaired, you will lose that privilege, and you must earn it back. There are no shortcuts.”

File #24-16420

Jason Hallman | Communications Advisor

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