On December 3, 2024, six members of the Saanich Police Department were recognized for their outstanding contribution to road safety, after they achieved Alexa’s Team status, for their work in 2023.
Alexa’s Team was established in 2010, following the tragic death of four-year-old Alexa Middelaer by an alcohol impaired driver. Subsequent legislation followed, in the form of the Immediate Roadside Prohibition (IRP), which is a valuable tool for police officers to take impaired drivers off the road. To receive an Alexa’s Team Award, a police officer must submit at least 24 impaired driving cases in a calendar year, through a combination of IRPs and Criminal Code charges.
At a ceremony in the department, Saanich Police Chief Constable Dean Duthie presented the six recipients with their Alexa’s Team awards. Below are the members and their successful cases:
Cst. Jennifer Allen (26)
Cst. Alex Beastall (24)
Cst. Adam Defrane (53)
Cst. Aaron Grewal (51)
Cst. Nick Marmaras (58)
Cst. Martin Roznowski (24)
Police members who remove 50 impaired drivers inside 12 months are awarded Alexa Team All-Star status. Saanich Police are proud that Csts. Defrane, Grewal and Marmaras reached this impressive milestone.
“While the nature of these numbers is disappointing, I’m extremely proud of the hard work our officers have shown by taking so many impaired drivers off Saanich’s streets. Their dedication has made our community safer, ” said Chief Constable Duthie. “With so many ride options available, there is no excuse to get behind the wheel of a vehicle while impaired. Be responsible, plan ahead, and take some ownership for maintaining safe roads for everyone.”

Cst. Defrane

Cst. Marmaras
Nick Murray | Public Information Communication Officer