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Recognition ceremony held for a number of Officers

On December 5, 2016 we held a recognition ceremony at the Saanich Police Department.  Chief Constable Downie, and the Saanich Police executive, handed out several awards to Officers from Saanich, VicPD, the RCMP and even awarded a young boy with a citizen’s award. 

Some of the Officers were presented with lifesaving awards and division commanders commendations.  During these particular events Officers placed themselves in harm’s way and helped people that were experiencing crisis in our community.  Not only did the Officer’s place themselves in harm’s way but displayed outstanding team work and strong decision-making skills.  The Officer’s also demonstrated exceptional communication skills during these high-risk dynamic calls for service which involved not only Officers from Saanich Police but Officers from both VicPD and Westshore RCMP.  Thanks in part to the Officer’s actions the situations were resolved successful without anyone being hurt.

Two Saanich Police Officers were recognized with the Chief Constable’s Community Service Award.  The Officers, who are School Liaison Officers, discovered that not all the schools were conducting their lockdown drills in a consistent manner.  Both the Officers were able to create a standardized procedure for these lockdown drills.  All the schools in Saanich, which consist of two school districts and close to 50 schools, have now adopted these procedures.  Due to the Officers efforts they have greatly contributed to the future safety of all the students and staff at the schools.

One of our Officer’s was presented with an award of valour and his young son with a citizen’s award after they saved a couple from a burning home while they were on vacation.  Both the Officer and his son displayed quick thinking and a tremendous amount of bravery while saving the lives of two people.

We all appreciate what these women and men have done.  Thank you to each and everyone one of you.

 Chief At Podium

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