photo of a damaged Police car

Charges Pending From Collision Last Weekend

A 34 year old Saanich woman is facing criminal driving charges resulting from a collision with a police car last Saturday afternoon, August 18th.

The incident began shortly after 3 pm when police were called about a suspicious car in the Elk Lake boat launch parking lot on Bear Hill Road.  Witnesses were concerned that the two occupants of the parked car were behaving in an erratic manner and could be under the influence of some type of illegal substance.

The first responding officer turned his police car lonto Bear Hill Road and was involved in a collision with the same suspicious car, which was oncoming and driving on the wrong side of the road.  The collision resulted in significant damage to both vehicles.  The front seat passenger walked away but he was quicky apprehended by two CRD bylaw enforcement officers who were in the area.

The woman driving the car then drove away from the scene of the collision at slow speed and she ignored police efforts to get her to stop. Upon slow speed contact with several cement meridians, there was additional impact with the police car and the woman was arrested after steering her car into a deep ditch.  She was taken to hospital for precautionary reasons, but was released a short time later.  Upon being medically cleared, the woman was held overnight in police custody.

A TeleBail Hearing was held early Sunday afternoon, August 19th where she was charged with Failing to Stop for Police and Dangerous Driving under the Criminal Code. She was released to appear in early September in Victoria Provincial Court.

The 49 year old police officer experienced some soreness and stiffness from the collision during his days off, but he did not miss any time from work due to injury. 

The investigation continues into whether or not the driver may have been impaired by drugs.  Police would like to thank the witnesses who called about their concerns and the CRD bylaw enforcement officers who provided assistance to our officers.

Scott Treble, Staff Sgt.

Saanich Police – [email protected]

SPD file 18–20572

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