Charge Sworn in Art Dealer Investigation

In April 2022, Saanich Police began an investigation into an art gallery in Oak Bay after the gallery closed, and communication between the owners of artwork kept in the gallery and the art dealer ceased. As a result of this investigation, Calvin Lucyshyn, the operator of Winchester Galleries, has been charged with one count of fraud over $5000. Mr. Lucyshyn is scheduled to appear in court on September 10, 2024.

Approximately 1100 pieces of art were seized as part of our investigation, and approximately 1050 pieces have been returned to their rightful owner.

We still have several pieces of art that remain unclaimed. If you consigned art through Winchester Galleries, have not had it returned, and believe it is in the possession of Saanich Police, contact us by email at [email protected].

We are also asking for assistance in identifying the artist of the artwork included with this release. If you have any information to help us determine the artist, contact [email protected].

File # 22-6856

Jason Hallman | Communications Advisor

[email protected]

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