Impaired Driver Caught Speeding Excessively

On Sunday, August 18, 2024, just before 11 pm, Saanich officers stopped a vehicle doing 123 kilometres per hour (kph) in the 3900 block of Quadra Street. The posted speed limit for that section of road is 50 kph.  

The driver was issued a ticket for excessive speeding and officers administered a roadside screening test for impairment which resulted in a “Fail.”

The driver’s license was suspended for 90 days, and their vehicle was impounded for 30.

This incident capped a weekend that saw 10 other impaired drivers taken off Saanich streets – six Friday night, and four more Saturday night. All these incidents resulted in drivers having their licenses suspended and most resulted in vehicles being impounded.

Impaired driving is a serious threat to public safety. When you drive under the influence, you endanger not only your own life but the lives of everyone around you. Don’t take that risk, make a responsible choice: call a taxi, use a ride-sharing service, or arrange for a designated driver. Your decision can save lives and keep our community safe.

Jason Hallman | Communications Advisor

[email protected]

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