Bitcoin Extortion Scam

Saanich Police are alerting the public to an extortion scam after receiving multiple reports.

The scam starts with an email claiming the recipient has viewed adult content online and that malware has captured compromising photos or videos. The scammer includes a Google Street View image of the recipient’s home and other personal details to prove they know where the recipient lives. They then demand money be deposited into a Bitcoin wallet, threatening to send the images to family and friends if the demand is not met.

Fortunately, none of the individuals who reported the scam complied with the demands and instead contacted the police.

We urge everyone to be cautious of suspicious emails. If you receive such an email, please report it to the police. Additionally, report it to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre via their online reporting portal.

Here are some helpful reminders on how to keep yourself safe from scammers:

  • If you receive a threatening message, report it to your local police immediately.
  • Remember that fraudsters use high-pressure intimidation tactics to try to steal your money.
  • Ensure that your social media profiles are at the highest privacy levels
  • Limit sharing personal details on social media
  • Should you believe any of your personal information has been compromised, you are encouraged to contact Equifax and TransUnion to flag your accounts.
  • Be suspicious of any unsolicited messages or social media requests including those that are threatening or accuse you of owing money for a service you never used or planned to have.
  • Do not send money under pressure.
  • Do not reply to threatening messages.

Jason Hallman | Communications Advisor

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