Block Watch
Block Watch
is a neighbour-helping-neighbour crime prevention program that is
supported by the community, and partners with the Saanich Police Department and
the Block Watch Society of BC to create safer neighbourhoods. Participants of
the program watch out for one another, report crime or suspicious activity, and
work with the police to enhance community safety. While it was first launched
in Seattle in in 1974, the program took roots in BC in 1986 and has grown ever
Block Watch
provides residents with the tools to take a proactive approach to crime
prevention and safety within their individual neighbourhoods. Residents become
part of the solution, and they in turn become the eyes and ears of their block,
forming the heart of their community.
Saanich Police Block watch program
Block Watch is a free program offered to Saanich residents by the Saanich Police Department and is supported by various businesses and community associations to build safer communities. By having a unified commitment, participating communities can be proactive in promoting safety for themselves, their families, and their neighbours.
The Block Watch Program at the Saanich Police Department operates under the mandate of the Block Watch Society of British Columbia (BWSBC), a non-profit society and administrator to Block Watch Programs throughout British Columbia.
Join a Block Watch
Are you interested in joining a Block Watch group or becoming a Captain of a Block Watch group in your Saanich Neighbourhood? If so, please email for more information.
You can also download a copy of our Block Watch Captain/Co-Captain application form here.