General Information:

A Police Information Check is a check by name and date of birth of a police agency’s records, and Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC) databanks.  This check may also include a search of court records and records in other police jurisdictions.

The Saanich Police Department has a neutral role when we provide a police information check.  We do not make recommendations about whether you are suitable for the role or not.

Police agencies across British Columbia have adopted consistent Guidelines for Police Information Checks

Please note, cases where non-disclosable information indicates a significant threat to public safety, police agencies can exercise their ability to refuse completing the Police Information Check.  If completion is refused, application fees are not refunded.

Who Can Apply:

Police Information Checks


All applicants must be a resident of Saanich or the hiring / volunteer agency be located within Saanich. Saanich Police Department only completes Police Information Checks for the purposes of employment, volunteer or adoption. 

For name change, please contact the Commissionaires at (250) 727-7755.  

We are only able to provide fingerprints for Saanich Police Information Checks, Criminal Record Review Programs, adoption applications and select ink fingerprint requests

Fingerprints requests for reasons other than those listed above, should be referred to Commissionaires at (250) 727-7755. 


How to Apply:

All applications are processed in the order they are received. 




If you choose to apply for your Police Information Check in person, please attend the Saanich Police Department located at 760 Vernon Avenue between the hours of 8:30 and 11:30, and 12:30 and 3:30, Monday through Friday, exclusive of statutory holidays.  To reduce wait times, we encourage you to download the application, and fill out your information at home before you attend the Department.  

Download the Police Information Check (PIC) application form here. 

Online Application Form

*please note, online applications will incur an additional $9.95 + tax processing fee


  • Police Information Checks are only valid up until the moment they are produced.
  • Applicants requesting to pickup completed checks, cannot send a representative. Completed checks must be picked up by the applicant with one piece of valid Government issued photo ID. 
  • Completed checks that are not picked up within 90 days of completion, will be destroyed. Applicants are responsible for all associated costs and no refunds or allowances will be made.
  • If you require more than one Police Information Check, you can submit up to three applications for a single fee. For more than three sets of results, an additional fee will apply.  Please note that we do not produce photocopies or multiple sets of originals for a single application. 




Please attend the Saanich Police Department located at 760 Vernon Avenue between the hours of 8:30 and 11:30, and 12:30 and 3:30, Monday through Friday, exclusive of statutory holidays

Fingerprints must be taken at the Saanich Police Department.  Online Fingerprinting is not available.

Acceptable Forms of Identification:

What are the acceptable forms of identification for Fingerprinting / Police Information Checks?

PRIMARY ID – Must be valid & have a photo

  • Driver’s license (with photo)
  • Passport
  • BC Services ID Card (with photo)
  • Nexus Card
  • PAL (firearms licence)
  • Student ID Card YOUTH ONLY

SECONDARY ID – Must be valid

  • Birth Certificate
  • Social Insurance Card
  • Citizenship Card
  • Indian Status Card
  • Permanent Resident Card
  • Debit / Bank Card (must have name on it)


  • Credit Card
  • Gym / Costco / Other club membership cards


*all online applicants will incur an additional $9.95 + tax processing fee

Police Information Check – Employment $70
Police Information Check – Volunteer Purposes $0
Fingerprinting Services *cannot be conducted online $50
Record Suspension *cannot be conducted online $50

Reconsideration Request Process (PIC-VS):

An applicant who had a Police Information Check with Vulnerable Sector Screening (PIC-VS) may wish to have information excluded from the results.  This process is not suitable for the Police Information Check (PIC).  These requests must be made in writing to the Saanich Police Department within 30 days of the completion of results, and will be processed as quickly as possible.

The reconsideration process will take into account the request of the applicant, and will include the following stages:

  1. We confirm that all procedures and guidelines have been followed
  2. We check that all disclosed offences or contacts are confirmed and releasable
  3. Your request for information to be excluded is considered
  4. We provide you with a written explanation of our final decision

If you would like information removed from a Police Information Check without Vulnerable Sector screening, please refer to the Record Suspension process through the Parole Board of Canada.

Applying for Reconsideration

The applicant must follow these steps:

  • Submit a letter or form designed by police service for reconsideration
  • A copy of the police information check in question
  • Any documents they feel may support their request

Please keep requests concise.  

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