Man Arrested Possessed Replica Firearm

On April 29th, Saanich Police responded to the intersection of McKenzie Ave. and Burnside Rd. West for the report of an intoxicated male in possession of a firearm. When the officers arrived, they located the individual, and noted that he had what appeared to be the handle of a firearm sticking out of his waist band. After a brief interaction he was disarmed and taken into custody without incident. It was only after his arrest that officers had a chance to safely inspect the weapon which was determined to be a replica.

The man was released with a future court date and the condition that he not possess any weapons.

All calls involving firearms create an elevated risk to the public and require a priority response from police. Officers are trained to treat all firearms as real and may not learn it is a replica until hours after the call is concluded. Because firearms cannot be identified quickly from a distance by officers, replicas pose a significant safety risk to the public, those who carry them, and police.

If you own a replica firearm, please leave it at home.


Jason Hallman | Communications Advisor

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