The Saanich Police Department has launched a new investigative unit titled the Special Investigations Section (SIS), whose primary responsibility will be the investigation of all current and historical sexual offences against all persons.

The team of investigators, consisting of two sergeants and seven constables, has been assembled by reallocating existing resources and restructuring other sections within the police department, plus the addition of one new officer being added due to an increase in staffing levels from the 2022 budget.

In keeping with our commitment to our key strategic priority of investigative excellence, this dedicated team of investigators will receive specialized training to investigate allegations and ensure survivors are cared for with the best trauma-informed practices.

“The creation of the SIS is a vital step forward that clearly demonstrates our commitment to continuous improvement, service and investigative excellence, and survivor support, care, and wellbeing,” said Chief Constable Dean Duthie. “This highly experienced team of investigators will ensure that survivors of sexual offences are supported and kept informed throughout the entire investigative process.” 

The Saanich Police Department would like to express our gratitude and appreciation to the Saanich Police Board and Saanich Municipal Council for their support of this important and meaningful initiative.




Cst. Markus Anastasiades
Public Information & Communications Officer
[email protected]


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