Saanich Police are advising the public of several recent cougar sightings in the Gordon Head / Mount Tolmie area, including one that came face-to-face with an officer on a trail.
On Monday, August 28th and Wednesday, August 30th, a cougar was seen walking in Mount Tolmie Park. Police attended the area, did not locate the cougar, but did warn some people out walking their dogs of the sighting. These sightings occurred at 5 p.m. and 9:30 p.m.
On August 30th around 2 a.m. officers were on an unrelated call on the Gordon Head North Park trail when an officer came face-to-face with a cougar. The cougar did eventually turn and walk away down the trail towards the water.
The Conservation Officer Service (COS) is aware, monitoring cougar activity in the area, and will respond as necessary to ensure public safety. While it’s unclear if this is one or more cougars being spotted, in all cases the cougar was not acting aggressively.
In conjunction with the COS, police are asking the public to be aware, and to take precautions such as leashing their pets and travelling in groups when possible. For more tips, visit WildSafeBC.
Reports can be made to the COS Report All Poachers and Polluters (RAPP) hotline 24/7 at 1-877-952-7277, as well as the Saanich Police at 250-475-4321.
Cst. Markus Anastasiades
Public Information & Communications Officer