Saanich Police Board

Keeping Saanich Safe

Appearing as a Delegation

The Board welcomes delegations from groups or citizens regarding policing issues which affect the community.

Please note:  The Board has no jurisdiction to hear complaints about the conduct of individual police officers or about matters which are within the jurisdiction of the Office of the Police Complaint Commissioner. The Board does not accept delegations relating to service and policy complaints (see the Service and Policy Complaint section – [add hyperlink to that page]).

Process required to speak as a delegation

Written request:  If you wish to speak as a delegation at a public Board meeting you must complete and submit a written Application to Appear as a Delegation and your delegation topic must comply with the Board’s Policy to Appear as a Delegation at Board Meetings.

Filing and time deadline:  Your request must be submitted by noon, at least two weeks prior to the Board meeting date you wish to attend. You will be limited to ten (10) minutes and you must only address your specific topic.

Filing and contact information:  Please submit your request to the Board’s Secretary, Lynn George, by email to, or by mail to the Saanich Police Board, 760 Vernon Avenue, Saanich, BC  V8X 2W6.  You will receive an email confirming your registration to speak as a delegation or advising you why you are not being registered to speak as a delegation.

Acceptable topics must meet the following criteria

  • relate to the Board’s oversight mandate, and not day to day operations of the Saanich Police Department
  • relate to Saanich policing services or policies
  • affect a segment or group within the community, not just an individual
  • relate to an overall strategy of policing as opposed to a single action by an officer
  • not relate to a conduct complaint within the jurisdiction of the Office of the Police Complaint Commissioner
  • not be a substantially similar presentation made to the Board by the delegation within the past year

Delegation Protocol

All delegations must acknowledge and follow the Board’s Protocol, which is attached to the Application Form.

Please note:  Not all delegations will be accepted.  The Board Chair, in consultation with other members of the Board and the Chief Constable, will determine if the request is within the mandate and scope of the Board.  If so, the delegation will be placed on the agenda for the Board meeting requested, or the next available Board meeting.  The Board reserves the right to limit the number of delegations at each meeting, and to designate another appearance date for any delegation.  The Chair and Board decisions are final.

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