
Neighbourhood Speed Reports

The Police Board is a civilian governing body which receives its authority under the Police Act. – See more at:
The Police Board is a civilian governing body which receives its authority under the Police Act. – See more at:



Speed Reader Boards are electronic signs that use radar to detect the speed of an approaching vehicle.  The board can be set to:

– record the data (with nothing displayed),  or

– record the data and display the speed.

The intent of the Speed Reader Board is to gather data on the speeds and volumes of motorists in an area. This allows the Saanich Police Traffic Safety Unit the ability to determine if there is a serious speeding issue in an area and deploy Officers appropriately.

The SPD Traffic Safety Unit provides the Speed Reader Board Reports, for members of the public to view, via our website.

The Speed Reader Board Reports (aka: Extended Speed Summary Reports) provide the following:

– The number of days’ data was collected over,

– The average speed,

– The average volume of motorists per day,

– The total number of vehicles speed was measured for, and

– The 85th percentile speed.

The boards gather data in one direction at a time. Doubling the volume data will give a good estimate of the total number of vehicles going in both directions.

The 85th percentile speed gives the speed at which 85% of motorists are travelling at or under. If you would like to get more information on the 85th percentile speed you can query it via your internet browser.

High risk driving behaviour, such as speeding, is a leading cause of crashes. The SPD Traffic Safety Unit ensures they’re targeting speed enforcement in designated high problem areas.  The Traffic Safety Unit will continue to conduct speed enforcement, as well as other traffic related enforcement, throughout the Municipality of Saanich.


If you witness a specific Motor Vehicle Act offence within Saanich, please click here or call our non-emergency number at 250-475-4321 to start a driving complaint. A complaint requires a description of the offending vehicle, a license plate number, and a statement detailing what has occurred.

Please note:
– All available Speed Reader Board Reports are published on our website
– The Saanich Police Traffic Safety Unit will determine where a Speed Reader Board will be deployed


Blenkinsop Rd – 4300JuneNB
Cordova Bay – 5200 BlkFebruary/MarchSB
Del Monte – 5100 BlkAugustSB
Glanford Ave – 4000 BlkJuneNB
Greenlea Dr – 700 BlkJuneEB
Helmcken Rd – 4000 BlkMarch/AprilEB
Miller Ave – 728 BlkAugust/SeptemberEB
Mount Douglas Cross Rd – 1500 BlkMarch/AprilEB
Pat Bay Hwy – 4000 BlkJune/AugustNB
Quadra St – 4100 BlkMarch/AprilNB
Richmond Rd – 3500 BlkFebruary/MarchSB
Roy Rd – 1000 BlkFebruary/MarchEB
Roy Rd – 1000 BlkJuneWB
Royal Oak Dr – 1100 BlkFebruaryWB
Tyndall Ave – 4100 BlkJuneNB
Torquay Dr – 4400 BlkFebruarySB


Amblewood Ct – 4600 BlkAugustNB
Amblewood Ct – 4600 BlkAugustSB
Braefoot Rd – 3900 Blk JuneSB
Carey Rd – 4100 Blk MaySB
Cedar Hill Rd – 3200 Blk March/AprilSB
Cedar Hill Rd – 3200 BlkAugust/SeptemberSB
Falaise Cres – 800 Blk JanuaryNB
Falmouth Rd – 1000 Blk  January/FebruaryEB
Glanford Ave – 4100 BlkAugust/SeptemberNB
Glanford Ave – 4100 BlkSeptemberSB
Glanford Ave – 4200 BlkJanuary/FebruarySB
Grange Rd – 4000 BlkFebruaryNB
Hartland Rd – 100 BlkFebruaryEB
Hastings St – 1300 BlkOctober/NovemberSB
Lansdowne Rd – 1600 BlkJanuary/FebruaryWB
Haro Rd – 3900 BlkJuneSB
Laval Ave – 1800 BlkMayEB
Loenholm Rd – 1100 BlkJanuaryNB
Mayfair Dr – 1900 BlkMarch/AprilSB
McCrae Ave – 1600 BlkAugustEB
Mckenzie Ave – 800 BlkFebruaryEB
Oldfield Rd – 5800 BlkJulyNB
Penhurst Rd – 1700 BlkMaySB
Prospect Lake Rd – 300 BlkSeptemberWB
Prospect Lake Rd – 4000 BlkOctoberNB
Prospect Lake Rd – 4100 BlkOctoberSB
Raymond St N – 4000 BlkFebruarySB
Reynolds Rd – 1100 BlkMarchEB
Richmond Rd – 2700 BlkOctober/NovemberSB
Royal Oak Dr – 1145 BlkAugust/SeptemberEB
San Juan Ave – 1800 BlkAprilWB
Service St – 3100 BlkJanuary.FebruarySB
Tattersall Dr – 1200 BlkJanuary/FebruaryWB
Vernon Ave – 700 BlkJuneNB
Wallace Dr – 5700 BlkJulyNB
Wilkinson Rd – 4200 BlkJanuarySB


Allenby St – 1940 BlkJuly/AugustWB
Arbutus Rd – 2400 BlkSeptemberWB
Arbutus Rd – 2500 BlkJanuaryEB
Arbutus Rd – 2700 BlkAugustWB
Ash Rd – 1600 BlkMarchWB
Ash Rd – 1607 BlkMarchWB
Ash Rd – 1685 BlkJune EB
Ash Rd – 1700 BlkJanuaryEB
Borden St – 3963 BlkNovemberNB
Burnside Rd W – 900 BlkSeptemberEB
Cadboro Bay Rd – 3700 BlkMayNB
Carey Rd – 4200 BlkSeptemberNB
Cedar Hill Rd – 3400 BlkSeptemberNB
Cedar Hill Rd – 4186 BlkMarchSB
Cedar Hill Rd – 4300 BlkMayNB
Cedar Hill Rd – 4000 BlkDecemberNB
Cedar Hill Rd – 4000 BlkDecemberSB
Chatterton Way – 4506 BlkJulySB
Chatterton Way – 4509 BlkJulyNB
Church Ave – 1500 BlkMay/JuneEB
Cordova Bay Rd – 4700 BlkAugustNB
Cordova Bay Rd – 4900 BlkAugustSB
Cordova Bay Rd – 5000 BlkFebruary/MarchSB
 Darwin Av – 900 Blk  January/FebruaryEB
Del Monte Ave – 5100 BlkMarchSB
Del Monte Ave 5100 BlkMay SB
Del Monte SB 0800-1000 hrsMaySB
Del Monte SB 1600-1800 hrsMaySB
Derby Rd – 1400 BlkAprilWB
Dumeresq St – 500 BlkSeptemberWB
Dunsterville Av – 1200 BlkFebruaryEB
Edgelow St – 2300 BlkSeptemberWB
Emily Carr Dr – 4300 BlkFebruary/MarchNB
Emily Carr Dr – 4300 Blk FebruarySB
Emily Carr Dr – 4394 BlkJuneNB
Emily Carr Dr – 4400 BlkJanuarySB
Emily Carr Dr – 4465 BlkJune/JulyNB
Falaise Cr – 800 BlkAugustEB
Fernridge Pl – 4200 BlkJuneEB
Glanford School ZoneSeptemberSB
Gordon Head Rd – 3900 BlkSeptemberSB
Gorge Rd W – 100 BlkJan/FebNB
Greenlea Pl – 4300 BlkFebruaryEB
Greenlea Dr – 4400 BlkMayEB
Interurban Rd – 4700 BlkMarchSB
Kenmore Rd – 1500 BlkOctoberWB
Kenmore Rd – 1600 BlkSeptemberEB
Linwood Av – 3300 BlkJanuary/FebruarySB
Margaret St – 500 BlkSeptemberWB
Markham St – 4400 BlkFebruary/MarchSB
Oldfield Rd – 5700 Blk #1
Oldfield Rd – 5700 Blk #2AugustSB
Old West Saanich Rd – 5700 BlkAugust/SeptemberSB
Palo Alto St – 3800 BlkJuly/AugustNB
Palo Alto St – 3800 BlkJuly/AugustSB
Parker Ave – 5300 BlkJuly/AugustNB
Parker Ave – 5300 BlkJuly/AugustSB
Prospect Lake Rd – 300 BlkFebruary/MarchWB
Prospect Lake Rd – 5000 BlkJulySB
Quadra St – 4100 BlkFebruary/MarchSB
Reynolds School ZoneMay/JuneWB
Roy Rd – 1000 BlkFebEB
Sayward Rd – 800 BlkJuneEB
South Valley Dr – 3800 BlkAprilNB
Torquay Elementary School ZoneSeptember/OctoberNB
Townsend Dr – 4800 BlkOctober/NovemberNB
Union Rd – 1100 BlkFebruaryEB
Vernon Ave – 700 BlkAprilNB
Viewmont Ave – 4400 BlkAugustSB
West Saanich Rd – 5200 BlkJanuarySB
Wilkinson Rd – 4200 BlkJuneSB
Wilkinson Rd – 4200 BlkAugustNB


Adelaide Av – 2800 BlkJulyNB
Admiral’s Rd – 3100 Blk May/JuneNB
Admiral’s Rd – 3100 Blk May/JuneSB
Arbutus Rd – 2500 BlkDecEB
Beaver Rd – 4700 BlkOctSB
Blanshard St – 3700 BlkAug/SepSB
 Blenkinsop Rd – 3700 BlkJulySB
Blenskinsop Rd – 4100 BlkJuly/AugustSB
Blenkinsop Rd – 4300 BlkJuly/AugustNB
Braefoot Rd – 3900 BlkSepSB
Bodega Rd – 2900 BlkJulySB
Burnside Rd W – 300 BlkAugNB
Burnside Rd W – 900 BlkSepEB
Cadboro Bay Rd – 3800 BlkDecWB
Cedar Hill Rd – 3400 BlkSepNB
Cedar Hill Rd – 3900 BlkSep/OctSB
Columbine Wy – 3900 BlkAprilWB
Cowper St – 700 BlkAprilEB
Darwin Av – 900 BlkJulyEB
Davida Av – 300 BlkNovSB
Elliston Av – 3600 BlkOct 2016 – Jan 2017SB
Emily Carr Dr – 4500 BlkAprilSB
Feltham Rd – 1700 BlkAugEB
 Forrester St – 1900 BlkJanWB
Fowler Rd – 5400 BlkNov/DecSB
Glanford Av – 4100 BlkSepNB
Gordon Head Rd – 3800 BlkSepSB
Granville Av – 4000 BlkMarch/AprilNB
Granville Av – 4000 BlkMarchNB
Greenlea Dr – 700 BlkJune/JulyWB
Holland Av – 4000 BlkMarch/AprilSB
Holland Av – 4000 BlkMarchSB
Laval Av – 1800 BlkJanuary/FebruaryWB
Layritz Av – 4300 BlkJuneNB
Mann Av – 700 BlkJuly/AugustEB
Mann Av – 700 BlkJulyEB
Maplegrove St – 4800 BlkAugustEB
Markham St – 4500 BlkDecNB
Mt Douglas X Rd – 1400 BlkAugWB
Neil St – 1900 BlkJune/JulyWB
Old West Saanich Rd – 5100 BlkNovSB
Prospect Lake Rd – 4100 BlkOctSB
Prospect Lake Rd – 4100 BlkOctSB
Prospect Lake Rd – 5000 BlkOctSB
Ring RdNov/DecSB
Royal Oak Dr – 1100 BlkOctSB
Saanich Rd – 4000 BlkDec/JanNB
Santa Clara Av – 5100 BlkJuneNB
Santa Clara Av – 5100 BlkMay/JuneSB
Santa Clara Av – 5200 BlkJune/JulyNB
 Savannah Av – 3700 BlkOct 2016 – Jan 2017NB
Shelbourne St – 4400 BlkAugustNB
Sinclair Rd – 2500 BlkNov/DecEB
South Valley Dr – 3800 BlkAugNB
Sutcliffe Rd – 900 BlkMarchWB
Tennyson Av – 3300 BlkJune/JulySB
Tudor Av – 2700 BlkJanuary/FebruaryWB
Tulip Av – 800 BlkFebruaryWB
Tyndall Av – 4300 BlkNovSB
Vanalman Av – 600 BlkApril/MayNB
Vernon Av – 700 BlkJul/AugNB
West Saanich Rd – 5200 BlkDec/Jan 2018SB
Whittier Av – 3300 BlkFebruarySB
Wicklow St – 3200 BlkOctNB
Wilkinson Rd – 4400 BlkFebruary/MarchNB
Wilkinson Rd – 4400 BlkFebruary/MarchSB


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